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IMPORTANT NOTICE: Planned Reopening June 2020

Writer's picture: stevalpreschoolstevalpreschool

Dear parents/carers

Following the government’s announcement regarding the lifting of restrictions, we plan to reopen Pre-school the week commencing June 1st, subject to safety requirements being met and any change to the government guidelines. At this time, Pre-school will only be open for the children who begin reception class in September 2020.

However there are many changes that have been put into place to comply with social distancing and our duty of care not only for the children, but the staff also.

To comply with government guidelines, we can take up to 8 children at one time, because of this there will NO longer be a full day option. From the above date, morning sessions will start at 9am and finish at 11:50 promptly. The afternoon sessions (including Tuesday for this period) will begin at 12:10 and finish at 3pm. NO LUNCHTIME PROVISION WILL BE AVAILABLE.

The set days that you were allocated before closure will no longer stand and there is also no guarantee of the amount of hours we can offer, this will be subject to the uptake.

Unfortunately, Pre-school is going to be a very different environment, many of the toys and resources we will be unable to use because of cross-contamination. We have also been advised that all staff are to wear PPE, and the children cannot play freely together in or outdoors. Social distancing must be adhered to at all times.

NO parents/carers will be able to enter the building at any point, with this in mind drop off and pick up will run accordingly. On the perimeter fence, there will be 2-metre markings set out, please queue at these points, ensuring social distancing by yourselves and the children.

One at a time parents/carers (one adult only) will bring their child to the bottom of the ramp releasing the child to the member of staff waiting at the front door. Your child will wash their hands before entering the classroom. Please pass this information on to anyone collecting or dropping off your child.

Each classroom will be set up for 4 children and 1 member of staff, throughout the session social distancing will remain. Pick up will follow the same principle, again one adult per child.

Please DO NOT send your child in with bags, book bags, drinks or toys, we cannot accept them. We will supply milk or water to all children throughout the sessions.

Yourself or an emergency contact MUST be available at all times while your child is in the setting.

We have been advised to have an isolation area in which a child can be taken to if unwell, this will be the Snug. If we do contact you due to illness, please come to the front door. Once the member of staff knows you're there, please return to the bottom of the ramp.

We also advise you to continue to follow the government's self-isolation guidelines if your child or anyone in your household presents any symptoms of COVID-19 (a new continuous cough, high temperature, or loss of/change in your normal sense of taste or smell).

Due to the government guidelines, there will be no new starters or visits until September. We also cannot offer extra or swap sessions.

At present there will be no transition lunches, visits or end of year parties expected, however, this will be constantly reviewed and risk assessments made.

For the remaining weeks, all communication between parent/carers and staff must be done via email or through messenger.

Please let me know by Friday 22nd May if you would like to request a place.

I know this is a huge amount of information to take on, but we are trying to make an almost impossible task work and keep everyone safe. If anyone feels they may need any extra support at this difficult time, please contact me and I will do all I can to help.

Take care, Rachael Richards - Pre-school Manager


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